
Fenl is composed of expressions. Every Fenl expression describes a stream of values. Expressions may be composed to form new expressions.


Fenl supports a rich variety of value types. Each type has a corresponding syntax for writing values in Fenl. See the Data Model section for example syntax for constructing different value types.

Unary and Binary operations

Arithmetic operations can be expressed as they are in most languages:

1 + 2 / (3 * 4)

Logical operations use standard comparators, and can be combined with and and or:

true and (5 >= 2) or !false

Data types that compose multiple values allow individual values to be referenced using dot-syntax:

{ a: 10, b: true }.a

All Fenl expressions produce a value, so conditional logic is primarily used to determine when an expression’s value should be null, for example the following expression’s value is null

5 | if(false)

Let Binding

Let-binding is a special operation that introduces local names for other expressions. It is useful when a given expression needs to be referenced multiple times, or when you want to break up a complex expression into smaller pieces.

Let bindings have two components: name / expression bindings followed by a body expression in which the bound names may be referenced.

let the_answer = 42
in the_answer * 2

Multiple bindings may be introduced by repeating the let portion. Bindings may reference prior bindings.

let the_answer = 42
let not_the_answer = the_answer * 2
in the_answer != not_the_answer

The value of a let expression is the value of the in expression, evaluated in the context of the name bindings.

Function Calls

Functions are called with parens. Function parameters are named.

substring(s = "input", start = 0, end = 2)

Some parameters declare default values. These parameters may be omitted from the function call.


However, if you provide a value for a named parameter with a default value, the parameter name must be included.

substring("input", 0) # invalid syntax
substring("input", start = 0) # valid syntax

Pipe Syntax

In Fenl the pipe operator | can be used to chain function calls. The pipe operator is a binary operation that binds the left-hand expression to the name $input within the right-hand expression. The pipe operation lhs | rhs is equivalent to the let-binding let $input = lhs in rhs.

42 | mul(2, $input)

Functions used within the RHS of a pipe expression may omit required arguments to use $input. The following is equivalent to the previous expression.

42 | mul(2)

Pipe operators are useful for applying multiple operations in sequence.

  | add(10)
  | div(2)
  | gt(0)

Many functions can be though of having "data" parameters and "config" parameters. For example substring transforms a string (the "data" parameter) by selecting a range of characters from a start offset to and end offset (the "config" parameters). The start and end offsets are allowed to be any expression, but most of the time they’re constants, for example substring(zipcode, start=0, end=6).

Fenl’s functions try to place "data" parameters as the last required / positional parameter. Placing "data" parameters last makes it easy to omit them when using pipe syntax. The resulting code emphases the "config" parameters when reading chains of operations.

Generally, A | B() is equivalent to the explicit application A | B($input) which is equivalent to B(A).

Name Resolution

Fenl name resolution is context-dependent. The context generally starts with the set of user-defined ref:tableservice[tables] and ref:viewservice[views]. ref:computeservice_query[Query requests] may provide additional name bindings with the withTables parameter.

Names may be added to the context with let and the | operator. Names bound in these ways are only visible in the associated subexpressions, for example the in clause of let and the RHS expression of |.

Names may be bound more than once. If a name is bound two times, the second binding is only visible within the in subexpression of the second binding.

let current_favorite = "pizza"
let first_favorite = current_favorite
let current_favorite = "hot dogs"

in { current_favorite, first_favorite }

In this example, the name first_favorite is bound to the value of current_favorite at the time it is declared, then the name current_favorite is bound to a different value. The value of first_favorite is unaffected by the re-binding of current_favorite.

{ "current_favorite": "hot dogs", "first_favorite": "pizza"}

Syntax Design Principles

Fenl was designed with a few key principles in mind. In alphabetic order they are:

  • Composable: Complex behaviors should be possible by composing simple operations.

  • Consistent: Similar operations should be expressed similarly.

  • Data Centric: Fenl focuses on manipulating data. Failures are data too.

  • Deterministic: Applying the same operations to the same data should produce the same results.

  • Explicit: Explicit syntax more clearly indicates what is happening than implicit behavior. It is easier to add implicit behavior than remove confusing implicit behaviors.

  • Familiar: All factors being equal, Fenl prefers to be familiar. Divergence must have clear benefits and rationale.

  • Flat: Flat syntax is easier to read and understand than nested.

  • Informative: Fenl strives to inform how to think about defining features and guide users to success.

  • Local: Reasoning about behavior should be possible with only the information "nearby". Generally, expressions should be self-contained.

  • Safe & Performant: Features should be safe and performant by default.

  • Simple: Simple operations should be simple to express. Common operations should be simple. Not all conceivable operations are necessary.